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It's hard to believe it's time to renew your membership already, but here we are! As a reminder, in 2023 the CSMFO Board of Directors changed our municipal level membership structure, expanding from a single municipal classification to two. The ...
Hello! I'm late to this discussion but my small water district (5,700 connections) has used Incode/ERP Pro 10 since 2015 and older versions before that since 2008. We use A/P, General Ledger, Bank Reconciliation, Fixed Assets, Inventory, Utility Billing, ...
Thanks all for your helpful responses. It is very much appreciated and I will be reaching out to those that offered over the coming days. Thanks again! ------------------------------ Vanessa Alfaro Finance & Performance Audit Manager South Bay Regional ...
Hi, Melissa- The Inflation Reduction Act created a Direct Pay (aka Elective Pay) option for local governments allowing them to file a tax return and then receive a payment as incentive for energy efficiency projects. Since local governments are typically ...
Hi, Vanessa. My district went live with ERP Pro 10 Utility Billing in September 2021. I was not at the district when this module was implemented, and we have had many issues with how the module was configured and its limitations. My district pushed ...